Music, Personal Donnay Torr Music, Personal Donnay Torr

Oppikoppi turns 20

I picked the 20th Oppikoppi to go on a solo mission, an Oddysey of my own. Nope, it wasn’t really “brave”, as one Oppi-goer told me – there were plenty of people I knew there, and I never felt alone. Even while chilling on the legendary Stoep of Tess and Boors’ house, sorting out some dustbunnies in my head and peering over the mushroomtown of Mordor below.

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Personal, Storytelling Donnay Torr Personal, Storytelling Donnay Torr

Tell me a story

There’s a special kind of magic to people who can take you right back to a time and place, making you experience what they did. People who are good at telling jokes, embroidering events, tickling a laugh out of the most mundane situations. Tall tales indeed.

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Personal, Storytelling Donnay Torr Personal, Storytelling Donnay Torr

Have phone, will travel

I know why my neck cricks. It’s because of all the bloody phoner interviews I have to do. Pinching the phone between shoulder and ear, frantically scribbling (or typing) in a one-handed shorthand hybrid that even I can’t decipher afterwards… Explaining the awkward pauses away with sorry, I have to write that down, I’m doing this old school, ha ha! (Call me techno-challenged.) (Ed’s note: this was a decade ago, I’m way more high-tech now!)

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Personal, Movies Donnay Torr Personal, Movies Donnay Torr

Lights, camera, brain matter splatter

I’m not entirely sure when I started becoming so obsessed with cheesy horror and all things B-grade… It was probably an act of self-preservation, in light of all the intellectual, arty, high-concept movies I’d been reviewing for years as one of the perks of being an entertainment journalist.

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Personal, Nature Donnay Torr Personal, Nature Donnay Torr

That one time, at the vulture pit

I’ve been told that meditation will help me with various issues… Sleeplessness, relentless earworms, generalised chaos in the filing system that is my head, imagining that the rainspider hiding in my orchid is out to get me… I now know that everybody encouraging me to meditate is actually trying to kill me.

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