Got a story?

I’ll help you tell it.

Torr Collective crafts meaningful storytelling, content and communications for those who think differently. Need to whip up a content calendar on short notice, polish boring web copy, or coax the perfect answers from a stubborn interviewee? I’ll work with you to craft your story – and it will be a bloody good one, too.

Why work with me?

The right words capture attention, spark action, and change behaviour. But as F.R. David once crooned: words don’t (always) come easy – unless you have a professional writer (me!) up your sleeve.

I do words.

I’ll elevate your content game, save you time, improve your brand’s connection to its community and generally make life easier. You’ll never have to deal with an Oxford comma again (unless you really want to). Bonus: the boardroom bragging rights are all yours!

Ask me about…

  • A young woman standing in the ocean facing two camels she's holding by their leashes

    Content writing

    Creating stories people want to read - and share. Well-researched features, engaging interviews, news reports, reviews, creative writing, and more, in various tones of voice for diverse audiences across consumer, business, and educational spaces.

  • A young black man wearing headphones looking directly at the camera

    Content marketing

    Capture attention and inspire action with cleverly crafted social media posts, newsletters, SEO-optimised web copy, blogs, press releases, and marketing collateral. It’s all about stickiness - with a bit of tongue-in-cheek.

  • An image of the landing page for a downloadable research report titled Creating a better normal

    Lead magnets

    Downloadable digital assets that cement your expertise and entice return visits: white papers, reports, templates, study guides, classroom material, brochures, posters, and the ever-popular Valentine's day card designs…

  • A collage of photos of pages from a corporate brochure


    Structural- and copy editing, proofreading, squinting at the billboard/ menu/ closed captions to pick up errant apostrophes... Basically using a fine-toothed comb to make your content sparkle and avoid a nitpicker’s (e.g., my!) attention.

  • Black text on a yellow background explaining the Skillsroad manifesto

    Content strategy

    Dynamic ideation, iteration, communication; all the ‘ations’: gather ideas, determine the mission and vision, develop a plan, and craft and execute a creative, cohesive, measurable content & comms journey geared to smash all the goals.

  • An image of a Taalgenoot cover featuring Auntie Hettie Witbooi

    Project management

    Hands-on idea-to-impact content project management: content calendars, style guides, identifying, commissioning, and managing content contributors, sticking to deadlines and budgets, measuring results, rinse, repeat! Also, I make a mean cup of tea. (Ask me, I’m an editor…)